WebWarper: Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

End-users' questions: installation and uninstallation

This section is intended for the users of WebWarper service and webwarper.exe utility.

  1. How to install WebWarper on my computer?
  2. All sites are viewed via WebWarper on my computer. How to visit a site WITHOUT WebWarper?
  3. Are the sites, saved in "Favorites", viewed via WebWarper?
  4. How to remove WebWarper from my computer?

End-users' questions: usage of WebWarper

The users often complain that WebWarper does not provide any real advantages. As a rule, it is connected with incorrect using the service or insufficient understanding principles of its work. This section describes usage of the service.

  1. Does WebWarper really compress my traffic?
  2. I believe the traffic is compressed by 30-50%, not in 3 times
  3. Compression in 10 times in super-dense mode is just an advertisement! Don't believe.
  4. The sites themselves support gzip — why do I need WebWarper?
  5. WebWarper adds to viewed pages a lot of advertisement. Is it possible to remove it?
  6. The check shows that WebWarper does not provide anonymity. Why?
  7. When I post something to the forum, a text with my IP is added to my message. Is it possible to block this?
  8. Is it possible to send by e-mail, publish in Internet, or somehow refer to web addresses compressed by WebWarper (i.e. URLs with "http://webwarper.net/ww/..." prefix)?
  9. All images were removed from a page (or were replaced by one picture). Why?

Web-publishers' questions

This section is intended for Web site developers — foremost for that who decided to optimize their sites with help of WebWarper service.

  1. I don't want people to view my site through WebWarper
  2. I don't want the WebWarper-version of my site to be indexed in search systems. Why don't you disable such indexing by robots.txt file?
  3. Does WebWarper prevent from anonymous postings on my site? How to determine IP of a visitor which posts messages via WebWarper?
  4. Will banners and counters work properly on pages viewed via WebWarper?
  5. How to disable WebWarper-optimization for some parts of the site?
  6. Is it possible to show different fragments of an HTML-page, depending upon the presence of WebWarper?
  7. Is it possible to detect WebWarper in JavaScript?
  8. Some HTML-code of my site is generated by JavaScript calls "document.writeln(...)". Will the WebWaprer link correction algorithm correctly handle this code?
  9. JavaScript-operator "document.domain=..." doesn't work with WebWarper
  10. JavaScript-operator "myframe.src=someurl" doesn't work with WebWarper
  11. There are problems with setting "cookies" while using WebWarper
  12. What additional functions and variables are available in JavaScript on a page, viewed through WebWarper?