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WebWarper / Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) / Web-publishers' questions

I don't want people to view my site through WebWarper

You always can block such viewing by checking IP of the computer accessing your site (REMOTE_ADDR). If this address corresponds to webwarper.net server, you can, for example, show an error message. See also the questions "Is it possible to show different fragments of an HTML-page, depending upon the presence of WebWarper?" è "Is it possible to detect WebWarper in JavaScript?".

But there are usually no reasons for such solution.

  1. There are thousands services that work in the same manner as WebWarper and allow to view your site with some additions or modifications. If you consider that viewing your site through WebWarper should be blocked, then, due to analogous reasons, you must block viewing the site through all such services.

One from most known examples is the Google translation system:
Alike WebWarper, this service downloads pages from other sites to Google server, modifies them (translates to another language), appends with Google panel and returns to a client.

Below is an example of a directory, containing services like WebWarper, which provide anonymity, compression and other useful functions:
The search in Google returns a lot of such services:
Please think over, do you really want to disable access to your site through all these thousands services?

  1. If you have though decided to block access to your site via WebWarper, please keep in mind that it can lead to serious inconveniences for your visitors!

Tens of thousands people use WebWarper service daily. They visit many different sites in such a way, in particular, search systems or sites that can contain links to your resource. If you will disable viewing your site via WebWarper, then such users will be probably not able to view your pages. Even if you, while blocking WebWarper access, will provide a "direct" entrance (without WebWarper) to the site for WebWarper users, it will be inconvenient also: all sites referred by links from your site will also become non-optimized by default.

See also the question "I don't want the WebWarper-version of my site to be indexed in search systems. Why do you not disable such indexing by robots.txt file?".

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