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WebWarper / Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) / Web-publishers' questions

What additional functions and variables are available in JavaScript on a page, viewed through WebWarper?

Some of them were already mentioned in previous answers:

Besides that, the following variables and functions can be helpful. (You can use any of the listing functions only after getting sure, that the page is really compressed using WebWarper: "if (window.___ww) {...".)

  • ___ww_sizeOriginal: this variable usually contains the size (in bytes) of the original page, before processing it by WebWarper.
  • ___ww_sizeCompressed: this variable usually contains the size (in bytes) of the page after processing it by WebWarper. Probably it's value will be much less than ___ww_sizeOriginal. But the reverse situation is also possible — if gzip-compression is not supported in the user's browser due to some reasons.
    Unlike ___ww_sizeOriginal, this variable become available only after a little time after after completion of loading the page. You may check presence of this variable by "if (window.___ww_sizeCompressed!=null) {..." operators.
    ___ww_sizeOriginal and ___ww_sizeCompressed variables, differently from other variables and functions, become inaccessible after rebuilding the page by "document.open(); document.writeln(...); document.close();" operators.
  • ___ww_msieversion(): function is returning integer number of Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version (for example, 5 for MSIE 5.X), or 0 for all other browsers.
  • ___ww_netscapeversion(): function is returning integer number of Netscape, Mozilla, FireFox browsers version (for example, 4 for NC 5.X, 5 or greater for all versions of Mozilla / FireFox), 4 for Opera browser since version 6.0, and 0 for all other browsers.
  • ___ww_sFloat(v,n): function is returning decimal record of a real number v with fixed decimal point, and n digits in mantissa; for example, ___ww_sFloat(5.0376,2) = "5.04", ___ww_sFloat(-245.06,1) = "-245.1". Differently from standard JavaScript ways of transforming number into siring — v+"" or v.toString() — does allow to precisely specify a number of digits after decimal point.

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