WebWarper / Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) / Web-publishers' questions

Some HTML-code of my site is generated by JavaScript calls "document.writeln(...)". Will the WebWaprer link correction algorithm correctly handle this code?


WebWarper replaces standard calls document.writeln(), document.write() and several others by its own procedures, that perform all required corrections of HTML code. This technique is implemented in wwserv.js file. It can be interesting for a qualified JavaScript-programmer to get acquainted with its content.

Moreover, WebWarper usually corrects calls of "insertAdjacentHTML(...)" method, assignments "innerHTML=..." and some other elements of JavaScript-code.

However, in some complex situations, it's possible that WebWarper will not perform required correction, and some links or HTML fragments will remain not corrected. In such cases the Web developer may use ___ww_correctHtml() and ___ww_correctUrl() functions for a case when the page is viewed via WebWarper. For example:

        var myCode= ...;
        if (window.___ww) {
                myCode= ___ww_correctHtml(myCode);
        myElement.innerHTML= myCode;


        var url= "http://mysite.ru/...";
        if (window.___ww) {
                url= ___ww_correctUrl(url);
        document.location= url;

Let's repeat: such modification of your code is not necessary in most case. WebWarper usually can perform all corrections automatically. But explicit use of ___ww_correctHtml() and ___ww_correctUrl() will not interfere with anything.

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